Scamorza Cheese, Italian smoked Mozzerella type cheese
Scamorza Cheese, Italian smoked Mozzerella type cheese
Scamorza Affumicate Cheese is a gorgeous little smoked Mozzerella type cheese from around the Apuila region in Italy. Made from pasteurised cow's milk, it's made in a similar way to Mozzerella but then hung for about two weeks leaving it less moist and a little firmer than mozzerella although it still has the same elastic properties particularly when cooked. It's lightly smoked over straw or 10 - 15 minutes giving it a lovely smoky flavour with a sweet piquant depth.
Scamorza can happily be used where you would a Mozzerella but it imparts a lovely depth to the dish. Try it with a traditional tomato and basil salad, or use it on a pizza - gorgeous!
Pasteurisation : Pasteurised
Rennet type : Animal Rennet
Flavour : Medium
Country of Origin : Italy
Milk Type : Buffalo Milk
Brand : Granarolo